VJL Behind-the-Wall Training

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Fort Carson’s Behind The Wall Training 

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Who: Fort Carson Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) in collaboration with Veterans Justice League and the Colorado Department of Corrections.

What: A 45-minute video teleconference/speaking engagement that connects Soldiers attending the two-day ADAPT Class with prior Soldiers who have made choices that included drugs / alcohol and have been incarcerated in the Colorado Department of Corrections.

Summary:  The intent of this training is to facilitate discussion between active duty servicemembers and these justice involved veterans who are currently serving a prison sentence.  These justice involved veterans with lived experience, discuss the events and behaviors that led to their conviction and how their choices impacted the things they value.  We are seeing great responses on both ends, with soldiers being very engaged and connecting the dots so hopefully they never have to go down some of these dark roads. On the other end behind the wall, we are seeing these justice involved veterans find so much purpose and meaning in sharing there stories.  Giving them a solid purpose moving forward in helping them create the culture change that is greatly needed in our ranks.  While also helping them be connected to a community they deeply care about, getting them reacquainted with the military way so they can be successful law abiding citizens and tap into there true potential.

Way Ahead: Our vision is to expand this program by encouraging Command Teams to incorporate this training in their block leave and holiday / weekend safety briefs.  After completing the Unit Risk Inventory, conduct unit briefs depending on the high-risk behaviors that were identified during the consultation and work towards changing the culture that encourages drug and alcohol use.

Soldier Testimonials

Manny talking with the class

Manny talking with the class

VJL Behind the Wall Training - Peer Coaching

This unique pilot program that our team has started on Fort Carson Army base, is called Behind-the-Wall training. It is a very strong and unique approach to helping active-duty service members realize the realities of alcohol and drug addiction and also high-risk behaviors and choices.

As we intertwine these justice involved veterans with active-duty service members, it allows them to be a part of a larger mission and purpose. Helping activate that veteran thread and DNA that is instilled in all military service members/veterans.

We strongly feel that if any part of the justice involved population can set a high standard of what re-entry and reform look like, it's military veterans. Through the work we started on Fort Carson we are seeing a win-win on both sides. The active duty service members who hear these powerful stories truly connect the dots through these strong peer-led trainings. They are locked-in and focused through the whole training because they feel connected and understood. They are part of the community. 

While on the other side, this unique work has given so much purpose to so many veterans behind the wall. Allowing many of us to tap back into the self-less service we displayed in the military. By using our mess as our message and creating true prevention within the military ranks.

veterans justice league

Veterans Justice League

Turning Our Mess into The Message

We have organically created a community of veterans and active duty service members who are often forgotten about or fall through the cracks.

This peer-driven training has helped introduce the concept of peer coaching within the military ranks and several of our veteran participants helped mentor active-duty service members. Our VJL team has been able to run multiple PT sessions for active-duty service members.

Soldier Testimonials

Soldier Testimonials